Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why Should You Adopt A Dog?

Today I would like to tell you a story and tell you about why you should adopt a homeless dog. There are many helpless dogs in the animal shelter that could use your help. They need a home. They need someone to care for them and take care of them and show them love.

Although taking care of a dog requires very hard work and true dedication it was it’s advantages. One advantage is that they can be your friend. If you have no one that is there for you when you’re going through a hard time, you have your dog. Dogs are also a lot of fun. They love yo play. They like to play fetch, and run around and they are so energetic. Another thing about them is that they are very loyal and they will always be there to protect you. Dogs are the ones that will always be there to catch you when you fall. I have a story I want you to read a story that I found the other day on a very loyal dog.

As I was online looking at different things that's been going on in the world I happened to stumble across an article that got my attention. The name of the article is "Dog Killed While Saving Owner from Train."

The owner of the dog was suicidal at the time. So he decided that he would go out and get drunk and just end his life that day. The man got really drunk and sat on the railroad and passed out. Just in time the dog found his owner sleeping on the tracks. The dog noticed that a train was coming so he grabbed his owner and dragged him off of the tracks while he was still passed out. Unfortunately the heroic dog didn't make it off the tracks in time to survive. When the train driver saw the dog he pulled the emergency brake but he was too late. On the other hand the owner survived with just two broken ribs and a shoulder injury.

Reading this article really makes you realize how friendly and loyal dogs can be. A dog is like the best friend that you could ever have. The dog risked his own life to save his owner. This article really proves to you that dogs will always be there for you through your best and your worst times. So go adopt a dog from your local animal shelter and give them the kind of love and care that they need and deserve.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Letter from Google
Dear White House,
We have made a decision on what to do. We have decided to keep the video. I know that you have problems concerning the video but there are no clear reasons for us to take it down. This video doesn't violate any of our website guidelines. Our guidelines specifically say this: "We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view". So therefore it would make no sense to take the video down. People have the right to speak their mind when they want. Whether it's through a Youtube video or just out loud in the middle of nowhere. We are aware of the controversy that this video is causing and we apologize for that but the video is not going to be taken down. This video is not the only video that express their opinion. There are other videos that talk about race, gender, and personalities. Plus we do have much sympathy for what has happened to the Ambassador but you shouldn’t put this all on us. This isn’t the first time people commit negative actions due to a video posted on our website. We can’t help what people might think about a certain religion or a certain person. All we do is provide a website for videos. We don’t mean to cause this nation problems but it’s not in our place to take down the video when it doesn’t violate our guidelines. It wouldn’t be right if we did such a thing and it would be quite unfair it we only take down his video. Then that would mean that we would be required to take down every video that someone is against, and that can not be done. So that is our decision we are not going to take down the video because it is expressing their opinions just like everyone else does.

News Arcticle: Ex in the Attic?

How would you react to finding your ex in your attic? Yesterday I ran by a quite creepy yet interesting article. I know that different break ins are common around the world but this goes a little too far. It's find it interesting how there really are people on the world like this and a little scary.

A woman named Tracy had broke up with her boyfriend twelve years ago, and just went on with her life but it's obvious that her ex most definitely didn't move on, in fact he actually moved in. Tracy lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina and has five kids. She wasn't dating anyone at the time of the incident.

Around 2:30 in the morning. Tracy was in the process of getting ready for bed and she happened to notice something very strange going on. She heard weird noises coming from the attic and the nails just started unscrewing from the ceiling. She assumed there was some paranormal activity going on. Tracy got one of her adult sons to go check it out. When he got there he saw Tracy's ex boyfriend sleeping in the heating unit and he had coats and everything up there. Before the cops could arrive he ran downstairs and out the door. Later on the police found out that he had made holes in the ceiling leading to Tracy's bedroom so he was able to watch her everyday. Creepy, huh?

I thought this story was outrageous, and it really shows how crazy people can be now. So I think the moral of this article would be to be careful picking the people you associate with......... they might turn out to be some psycho, stalker, crazy person that will drill holes in the ceiling to watch you while you sleep. 

Article link:
Attic Picture:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gravity's Rainbow

Found Poem on the Article:

Attack, World Trade Center, 9/11,memorial, Ground Zero, Flight 93, Twin Towers, about 2,983 died, Terrorist, Planes, Buildings, Firefighters, Police, Skyscrapers, "soaring" memorial to the people who died on 9/11, deep, dark voids express a sense of loss and grief, six who died in the truck bomb attack on the Twin Towers in 1993, : the Trade Center site as a whole is a lost opportunity, In all there are 2,983, including everyone (other than the terrorists) who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and in the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa, The National 9/11 Memorial, to use its formal name, is the brainchild of an architect, Michael Arad, collaborating with the landscape designer Peter Walker, Over the past ten years there have been any number of disappointing developments at the Trade Center site

I think the memorial is a great idea to use in rememberance for all the lives lost due to 9/11. I think that the way the lanscaping is going to be is a nice way to make it. Although it would would have been even better if they could have followed through with the idea of ingraving the names of those lost into the wall behind the waterfall curtains. But the way they have the names now is fine though. I think it was a really excellent idea to put the names of the ones lost close to the people that were family or close friends. I also think it was great how they had the two memeorials organized and squared off, and they did great on the placing.
9/11 picture:

News: A Very Loyal Dog

I wanted to do my blog on a story in the news that was very recently. As I was online looking at different things that's been going on in the world I happened to stumble across an article that got my attention. The name of the article is "Dog Killed While Saving Owner from Train." So I clicked on the article and read the heartbreaking story.

The owner of the dog was suicidal at the time. So he decided that he would go out and get drunk and just end his life that day. The man got really drunk and sat on the railroad and passed out. Just in time the dog found his owner sleeping on the tracks. The dog noticed that a train was coming so he grabbed his owner and dragged him off of the tracks while he was still passed out. Unfortunately the heroic dog didn't make it off the tracks in time to survive. When the train driver saw the dog he pulled the emergency brake but he was too late. On the other hand the owner survived with just two broken ribs and a shoulder injury.

Reading this article really makes you realize how friendly and loyal dogs can be. A dog is like the best friend that you could ever have. The dog risked his life for his owner. I really don't think it's right though. I mean the owner was drunk and he wanted to die. But the dog ended up being the one who died. It really broke my heart to read a story like this. I am a animal lover and I absolutely love dogs. It was a very brave, courageous thing that that dog did, and the owner should be so thankful to have had a dog like him.

Running Dog:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Public Speaking Project: Dancing vs. Brownies

In this post I am going to blog about what has been going on so far in my public speaking class. Our teacher Mr. Paul has assigned yet another speech for us to do in front of the class. But this one is different from the last speech when we had to memorize. In this speech we can choose whatever topic we want, as long as it's school appropriate of course, and we have to have an example of our topic and show the class how to do it.

For my project I'm debating on doing some type of dance or bringing in brownies for the whole class. But I'm mostly leaning toward the brownie idea. If I do end up doing my speech on brownies I'm thinking about making homemade brownies for everyone for an example. Then I might bring the actual ingredients needed to make the brownies and show the class how to make the brownies for the demonstration. Or as I'm making the brownies at home for the class I might just take pictures of every step I go through while making the brownies and make it into a PowerPoint presentation. So I'm not quite sure yet on which idea I should go with.

On the other hand if I chose dancing, which I mist likely won't do I would do things in a whole different way. I was planning on finding an old video of me at one of my dance recitals and project it to to the board for everyone to see. For the demonstration I was going to show the class how do do some type of dance move that I know of maybe some kind of tap dancing move. I thought it would be very neat to be able to show an old video of me dancing.

So those are my options on what to do for my speech. I'm still not sure on what to do yet. Someone told me that for my demonstration I should try dancing while making my  homemade brownies at the same time. But I doubt that's possible for me. So most likely I think I'm going to end up doing the brownies.
Tap Shoes:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Procrastination: Good or Bad?

In this post I will talk about a article that was read in class on Thursday. The article was about ways that procrastination can actually be good for you. The author stated many reasons why procrastination could be a good thing at certain times. She made it clear that sometimes procrastination might be needed at some point in life. One reason why procrastination can be a good thing is because you might need some time to process the some information for whats due. For example; you could get a major project from your English class. You might get stressed and wonder how you're going to do a good job on this project, so you rush into it. But what you should do is find out when it's due and calm down and think about what to do on the project instead of freaking out. Another thing the author said is that if you have something to do but you have something more important to do also just work on the most important thing first. But you shouldn't hold off something important to go watch your favorite movie or to go do something pointless.

I think this article was very helpful and well put together. I agree with the author saying that procrastination is good at times, but of course it's not good all the time. Personally I myself am a horrible procrastinator. I procrastinate with a lot of things. I am actually procrastinating right now by holding off my college work until Saturday when the work is due on Sunday. I could learn how to become a better procrastinator by reading the article. I would recommend this article to any bad procrastinators that need to learn how to stay organized and learn how to have everything on time.

Although the author talks a lot about good procrastinating there are still some bad types. One example of a bad procrastinating is waiting to doing your homework in your third period class when it's due that day in your fourth period class. So I think Procrastination could be a bad thing or a good thing depending on how you do it.
Later, now:

Civics and Economics

 In this post I will blog about what's going on in my Civics and Economics class. So far I like Civics this year. I think it is easy for the most part, and fun to learn. I think it's a good thing that we are learning more about the history of our country. I also think it's important to know things that are taught in this class, like; our rights, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendments, and other things that all Americans should know.

Right now we are focusing on the Constitution mainly. We are learning about the thirteen colonies also and about how they broke away from Britain. Another thing we're working on is learning how America was established and how they figured out how the government was going to work and different laws and rights that should be granted to U.S citizens.

Just last week we were assigned a project. What we had to do is make a poster of a colony that Mrs.Hibberts gave out to us. On the poster we had to come up with a sentence for each letter of the colony we were given, but the letter in the colony had to be the first letter in the sentence. The colony I had was New York. I didn't really have a hard time with it. The only letter I really had trouble with was the Y, but I came up with something eventually.

While working on this project I learned a lot about colonial New York. I learned that New York was a nice farming area. Some crops that they grew were; beans, corn, pumpkins, squash, and many other things. Another thing I learned is that New York was owned by a man called the Duke of York. I also learned that New York was originally a Dutch colony of New Netherlands. One last thing I learned is that New York was a middle colony.

Colonial Flag:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


In this blog I am going to blog about dreaming. The reason I chose this topic is because I find dreaming very fascinating and I think it's very neat how the brain could just picture something that's happening but actually not happening.

The actual definition of a dream is; a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a persons mind during sleep. Usually people dream about the very last thing that was on their mind before they fell asleep. It is a typical thing for people to forget what their dream was when they wake up, I know I do it all the time.

Most of the time your dreams aren't just something random, it means something. Here are some examples.
- If you dream about skeletons then that might mean you have something that's not finished and it's bothering you.
- If you dream about sleeping then it means that you are at peace with your mind. It means you are unaware of any problems around you. 
- Dreaming in slow motion might mean that you are frustrated and anxious or stressed.
- If you dream about being abducted or someone else being abducted then it means you feel helpless or you might not have control over your life.
- If you dream about a fridge then that shows that you have a chill personality or cold emotions.

Nightmares are the worst dreams a person could have. The definition for a night mare is;  a frightening or unpleasant dream. I think one of the worst night mares I've had is I had a dream about Freddy (the guy from Nightmare on Elm Street). I had heard someone knocking on the door at my grandmas house, and I went to answer it. When I opened the door Freddy was there. He invited his self in and slammed the door shut. I had ran in the closet and locked the door but he opened it and walked towards me then I woke up.

Dream Facts:

Monday, September 3, 2012

Catching Fire Post # 2

In this blog I will blog about a book I have been reading. It is called Catching Fire. So far I'm not that far into the book. I'm not even half way through it yet. But so far I find this book to be exciting and suspenseful. The book goes into great detail about different events that occur in the book.

The part I'm at is where Gale is in trouble. The district police has tied his hands together and his feet together. and they keep whipping him constantly. Katniss doesn't notice until she is on her way home from going hunting in the forbidden woods. As she was walking home she saw a crowd of people all bunched up together and they were all screaming. She quickly tried to find out what was going on. People kept on telling her just to go home and not worry about what was going on but she still tried to find out anyway.
When Katniss finally fought her way to the front of the crowd she saw her best friend, Gale being whipped. She ran to see what the reason was of all this and tried to stop the guard from whipping Gale. While she was trying to stop him she stepped in front of Gale and ended up getting whipped in the face right below her right eye. The policeman finally stopped and told her the reason why Gale was being whipped was because he was caught trying to sell an animal he had killed in the woods.

It turns out that the policeman had whipped Gale more times than was actually required in the book of punishments. Gale had been whipped over fifty times. When Katniss untied Gale she saw that he was unconscious and his back was bleeding a lot and very raw. Katniss threw snow on his back to help soothe the pain and then got a few men to help carry him to her house.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Dark Brown Dog
Today I am going to blog about the story we read in class today. The story is called A Dark Brown Dog. It is about the journey of a dog that has been taken in by an abusive family. The dog was beaten by both the father and the son. Even though they are the ones who wanted to keep the dogs in the first place. The son sometimes beats the dog, but he doesn't beat him as much as his father does. Sometimes the son would grab a stick and just beat the dog until he was ready to stop. Although the son beats the dog too he would still try and protect him sometimes. One time when his father was angry and drunk which isn't a good combination, he was trying to throw things and beat the dog more. But the son got in front of the dog and tried to protect him. While the son tried to protect the dog he ended up getting a cooking pan thrown at his head. The father was a drunk who would just come home and abuse the dog everyday, but one day he went too far. Like the father ususally does he came home really drunk and angry for no reason. The dog didn't even do anything to the father. But the father decides to punish him anyway. While the dog is just minding his own business the father just picks him up by one leg and just throw him out the window like hes a bag of trash. The dog flew out of the window onto the sidewalk and he died. I think this story was very depressing and cruel. I reallt hate how people abuse animals. I mean why take out all of your anger on a small innocent creature who didn't do anything to deserve to be treated like this?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


For this blog post I will be doing a random post. I am blogging about different foods I love and different things I love to make. Food is like a stress reliever to me. I am always eating. I'm not much of a picky eater. I'm like to try new foods, unless it's something like frog, or octopus.

One of my favorite foods are burgers. Especially the ones with mushrooms. I absolutely love mushrooms. Another thing that's best on a burger is cheese and cooked onions. But bacon on a burger has to be the best invention yet. Another ones of my favorite foods is pizza. Who doesn't love pizza? My favorite things to put on pizza is pepperoni or mushrooms. Like I said earlier I love mushrooms. I also like almost everything on my pizza like onions, olives, peppers, ham, but I hate having sausage on my pizza. Something else I love is tacos. I could eat tacos everyday. I absolutely love Mexican food.

I really like sweet baked goods. My favorite is brownies. I could not live without brownies. I prefer the fudge brownies. Funnel cakes is another favorite of mine. I love to eat it with lots of powdered sugar. Plus funnel cakes are really fun to make, I make them all the time at home. In all I'm not sure which I think is better chocolate chips cookies or brownies. Chocolate chip cookies is something that I constantly make them all the time. I always eat them when they first come out of the oven they're best when they're hot. My favorite desert that you can make out of a box would have to be the brownie/cookie mix. It is a mixture of cookies and brownies! What you have to do is mix the brownie and cookies then just bake them together.

Burger picture:
Cookies and brownies:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Public Speaking: Mary Terrell Speech
In this blog post I will blog about something that's going on in my public speaking class this week. Our assignment is to pick a famous public speaker that was on the list posted on Schoology and pick a speech also. Once we had picked the famous public speaker and one of their famous speeches we have to be able to memorize it by Thursday. I think that this will be a difficult assignment for me because I’m not that great with memory The speakers name that I chose is Mary Church Terrell. Her speech is about two pages long. The title of it is What it Means to be Colored in the Capital of the United States. The author of this speech was an activist for civil rights. She was the first african american to earn a college degree, and she was the daughter of former slaves. Mary’s speech is about how people used to say that Washington D.C was a colored persons paradise. The speech that she wrote informs people that that is incorrect. She describes how she is treated and how other colored people are treated in Washington D.C. Mary also compares how white people are treated to the way colored people were treated. She tells about how white people were paid more when the colored people would be doing the same jobs as them but not get paid much at all. She also described how much more respect the white people had than all the colored people that lived there. In my opinion I think her speech is very good. She gets her point across in a great way, and really describes how she feels about the situation that was going on in the country in a polite way. Mary used nice words to really make the audience understand what she was trying to tell everyone.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Catching Fire

In this blog post I will be blogging about a book I have been reading. The title of the book is called Catching Fire. This book is the second book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. The trilogy is about a post apocalyptic world. Where the United States is no longer there. It is called Panem. They are separated into districts and there are 13 of them. But nobody ever goes to the 13th one. Every year they have a lottery. What happens is if you are 12-18 then you're automatically in the drawing. and one boy and one girl is chosen from each district. If your name is picked then you are forced to go out in the woods and kill everyone and the last one standing wins a house, free food, and money.

The main characters in this book are Katniss, Gale, Peeta, Cinna, and the Mayor. Katniss's sister was picked to be a tribute in the games, but Katniss volunteered and took her place. Katniss's sister name is Prim only twelve years old. The boy that was chosen was Peeta. Peeta had a crush on Katniss's ever since he was five years old.

The games took place in a forest. While they were in the games some districts made alliances and teamed up on others. Katniss made a team with a little girl named Rue who was from district eleven, but Rue ended up being killed. After Rue was killed Katniss got very close to Peeta. When there were only four people left the capitol had changed the rules. They said that there could be two winners as long as they're from the same district. But whenever Katniss and Peeta were the last ones standing they changed the rules again and said that there could only be one winner. Katniss didn't want to kill Peeta and Peeta didn't want to kill Katniss so they decided to commit suicide. They were both going to eat poison berries. But right when they were about to eat them they changed the rules again and said that they both won.

In Catching Fire I'm at the part where Katniss and Peeta get to go and train the next tributes and they are going around to different parties in different districts to celebrate a new year of the games.
Catching Fire:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Classes

In this blog post I will blog about what's going on in my classes and about what classes I have. This year I have Civics and Economics for first period. In this class we learn things about being a citizen. We learn about rights, and different amendments. We also learn about what there is to know about the government.

The second period class I have is CTS115 Information Technology. In this class we learn about how technology helps the business world. We learn more about different software and how it affects other businesses. We also learn more about management, and we learn more about different kinds of technology.

My third period class is Algebra ll. It is pretty difficult to me now though. The reason is because I haven't done any kind of math over the summer and I didn't take any math the second semester of my 6th grade year. Plus when I did I have a math class which was my first semester in 9th grade I had geometry and geometry is totally different from algebra. The last time I took an algebra class was in 8th grade and it was very easy.

My last period of the day is public speaking. I really enjoy this class. It helps me learn how to speak in front of other people. This class also teaches different kinds of communication skills. So far in this class everything is going good for me. We have had a lot of work to do, and we just had a project that we had to present today. The project assignment was to find five items that describe you and your personality and place them in a bag.Then you would have to give a speech on the five items. You also had to write a paper on the items in your bag.
Books picture: 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Talking Planet

In this blog post I will be blogging about an article that we have read in class today. The name of the article is Planet Earth Doesn't Know How to Make it Any Clearer it Wants Everyone to Leave.The article was from a website called This article talked about the different disasters going on today on planet Earth. The article gave Earth of voice. It basically was trying to convey what Planet Earth would say to us if it could talk. It made Earth say things like; "Do I need to spell it out for you? Get the heck out of here." The article also stated that all the natural disasters are a sign that Earth wants us out.

I think this was a silly way for the author to get his point across to the audience. It was also a cruel way too. The author made it seem like he didn't even care for the people that lost their lives to these disasters. He didn't show any respect to the people who died. He also tried to make it into a laughing matter. I'm sorry but I don't see how people dying to natural disasters could be funny at all.

Although I did find this article very cruel and disrespectful I do agree with what the meaning of this article is. The meaning of this article is to help people realize that we are doing is wrong. We are not trying to help Earth. We are treating it like some type of giant garbage can. Somethings that we should do to make this a better planet are; recycling, trying not to liter and using less plastic. In all my opinion on this article is that it is silly, cruel but gives out a good message to everyone to keep our planet nice.
Earth Picture:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

About me

In my first blog post I'm going to introduce and explain a few things about myself. I was born in 1997 on  April 9th. Somethings I love doing are drawing, listening to music, and dancing. Currently I live with my mom and my four brothers and sisters. I am the oldest out of all of them. Their names are Jaquavious, Ladameion, Jaelyn, and Zariya. We have pets too. There are two dogs named Brownie and Reese. Then there is a cat named Oreo. Brownie and Reese are female, lab puppies they are only a few moths old but they are so big. Reese is black and Brownie is brown. Oreo is also a few months old, he is a boy and he is black and white.

I don't do sports but I am into dancing. Dance has been a big part of my life for ten years now. The studio I go to is a competitive one. That means we often go to different competitions. I mostly enjoy hip hop dancing. I also enjoy hip hop music. R&B and hip hop are my favorite kinds of music to listen to.

Other than dancing cooking is also one of my favorite things to do. I love food and I love to bake. Some of my favorite things to make are; cookies, fudge brownies, cakes, cupcakes, pancakes, and pizzas. Out of all of those my favorite would have to be fudge brownies. Sweets are my favorite things to bake. One of my favorite foods are burgers with mushrooms, cooked onions, with a sweet/spicy barbecue sauce. Pizza and tacos are also some of my favorite foods.

Another thing I enjoy doing is shopping. I love clothes, shoes and accessories. Although I love bright neon colors and animal print, I still prefer to wear darker clothes. Some stores I like to shop at are; Wet Seal, Rue 21, Aeropostale, and Hollister. My favorite two are Wet Seal and Rue 21. I love to buy shoes too, especially the name brand called Vans. Vans and converse shoes are favorite kinds to wear.