Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Letter from Google

Dear White House,
We have made a decision on what to do. We have decided to keep the video. I know that you have problems concerning the video but there are no clear reasons for us to take it down. This video doesn't violate any of our website guidelines. Our guidelines specifically say this: "We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view". So therefore it would make no sense to take the video down. People have the right to speak their mind when they want. Whether it's through a Youtube video or just out loud in the middle of nowhere. We are aware of the controversy that this video is causing and we apologize for that but the video is not going to be taken down. This video is not the only video that express their opinion. There are other videos that talk about race, gender, and personalities. Plus we do have much sympathy for what has happened to the Ambassador but you shouldn’t put this all on us. This isn’t the first time people commit negative actions due to a video posted on our website. We can’t help what people might think about a certain religion or a certain person. All we do is provide a website for videos. We don’t mean to cause this nation problems but it’s not in our place to take down the video when it doesn’t violate our guidelines. It wouldn’t be right if we did such a thing and it would be quite unfair it we only take down his video. Then that would mean that we would be required to take down every video that someone is against, and that can not be done. So that is our decision we are not going to take down the video because it is expressing their opinions just like everyone else does.

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